undefined, object
copy deck
- conscript
- to draft compulsorily, esp. into military sevice
- dauntless
- incapapble of being intimidated
- giddy
- dizzy; lightheaded
- quid pro quo
- an equal exchange or substitution
- demagogue
- a leader who obtains power by appealing to the emotions and passions of the people
- diurnal
- daily; occurring during the daytime
- figurehead
- a person with apparent but no real authority
- temporal
- relating to time
- de facto
- in reality; in fact
- decorum
- polite behavior
- hallucination
- a false perception of reality; a delusion
- pallet
- a narrow, hard bed or strawfilled mattress
- stoic
- apparently indifferent to joy, grief, pleasure, or pain
- toddle
- to walk with short, unsteady steps, like a child
- conjecture
- an inference or conclusion based on imcomplete evidence
- nocturnal
- occurring at night
- impalpable
- that which cannot be felt by touching; not easily understood
- plethora
- an excessive amount
- mosaic
- an image created by the assembly of many small colored pieces
- dilate
- to make wider; to expand
- carte blanche
- unrestricted power to act at one's own discretion
- ad infinitum
- lasting forever; continuously
- urbane
- sophisticated
- aboveboard
- without dishonesty or concealment
- aberration
- a departure from what is right, true, correct
- dismantle
- to take apart
- abrade
- to wear down a surface by or as if by scraping
- florid
- flushed with rosy color; over decorated
- pittance
- a small amount, esp. of money
- exasperate
- to make very impatient; to annoy greatly
- testy
- irritable; touchy
- spontaneous
- occurring naturally or without forethought
- accommodate
- to oblige; to provide a service or favor; to fit
- forfeit
- to surrender or be forced to surrender
- bazaar
- a market consisting of a street lined with shops
- heinous
- extremely wicked; abominable
- palette
- a board which an artist can hold while patinting and on which colors can be mixed
- exhaustive
- thorough
- debonair
- easy and carefree in manner
- induce
- to influence, esp, by persuation
- brooch
- large, decorative pin
- cordial
- warm and friendly; hearty
- complaisnat
- showig a sesire to please; cheerfilly obliging
- etiquette
- the forms of behavor of polite society
- tantalize
- to torment or tease by showing something desirable while keeping it out of reach
- postscript
- additional information added to the end of a letter or other document
- evoke
- to call forth or call to mind
- sentinel
- one who keeps watch
- incongruous
- lacking agreement
- staunch
- strongly loyal